Russian-Ukraine Live Live Update: Russian air forces landed in the East Ukrainian Kharkiv City on Wednesday, the Ukrainian army said, added that there was a direct clash. “Russian Airborne forces landed in Kharkiv … and attacked local hospitals,” said the army in a statement about the Messaging application telegram. “There is a sustainable battle between invaders and Ukraine. “
The Indian Embassy in Poland issued an urgent advisor to Indian citizens who were stranded in Ukraine where it was said that Indians in Lviv and Ternopil on the west side of the country could travel to the Budomierz border to enter faster to Poland. “Indians today in Lviv and Ternopil and other places in West Ukraine can travel earlierly with Budomierz border check points to enter relatively fast to Poland,” the Indian Embassy in Poland said in a statement.
It is also said that Indian citizens must avoid Shehyni-Medyka’s continuous border. Or, they are advised to travel to the south to transit through Hungary or Romania, the embassy added.
President Joe Biden will announce a ban on Russian aircraft from using US airspace during his services on Tuesday, US media reported.
Sanctions, reported by CNN and other media, will add to the United States to Canada and a number of European countries close the airspace to Russian aircraft and other aircraft in response to Moscow’s invasion to Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the deadly Russian air strike hit the housing block in the second Kharkiv City of Ukraine and the main TV tower in the country’s capital, said Kyiv Tuesday, with the President of Ukraine accusing the Kremlin of “war crimes” as a civilian victim of the invasion installed.
Apart from the sanctions and warnings of the humanitarian crisis, a new attack on the sixth day of the Russian invasion came as a massive military convoy approaching the capital, and Moscow warned a fearful population who lived near the security infrastructure to leave their homes.